Holiday Sale!

The Million Year Picnic would like to wish you a happy and healthy holiday season! Thank you for another great year!

We have a little excess trade stock (we over-ordered a bit for the holidays), so we’re having a sale!

Monday and Tuesday only, 25%
off new trade paperbacks and graphic novels! PLUS 30% off all t-shirts!

ALSO, this week is NOT a skip week as it has been in the past! It’s a full week and includes titles like ALL STAR BATMAN #5, BLACK PANTHER #9, CIVIL WAR II #8, DARK KNIGHT MASTER RACE #7, HULK #1 (new series, great jumping-on point), MONSTRESS #9, and SAGA #41. And a brand new MOON GIRL DEVIL DINOSAUR trade paperback! (Volume 2).

The full shiplist will come out Tuesday afternoon.

We will be open normal hours this week, except for New Years Eve, when we will probably close a bit early.
(In past years, we’ve closed by 7pm, so that seems likely. Feel free to call before stopping by, however… 617-492-6763.)
And New Years Day, when we will also have shortened hours.

With much affection,

The MYP Crew